Don't keep your faith journey to yourself. Someone out there needs to hear it. Your voice and story matter!
"One of the practical exercises I most enjoyed was the Story Mapping process. When I was finished, I just stared for several minutes at the piece of paper that held the pains and triumphs of my days on earth. And slowly I realized what I was actually staring at was God's resumé of faithfulness.
I could see His fingerprints all over my highs and lows in ways I never had before. I was moved to tears of gratitude, recognizing in a deeper way that every moment I had lived was part of the making of me...
the making of my story.
For churches and Christian organizations
A workshop setting facilitates equipping your people to authentically share their story in a way that connects with others, touches hearts, and ignites faith. The workshop is designed to build confidence and skills through hands-on exercises, along with building community within the group.
Participants walk away with:
For ministries and nonprofit organizations
Deliver a consistent and compelling story that invites champions, advocates, and supporters.