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Speaking Skills

Let's Be Real; Perfection Not Required!

Mary Ann Mariani
July 10, 2024

Over the years, I have observed that people who share their stories from the heart, in their own unique style, connect more deeply with their listeners than those who are overly polished and perfect. Being real rather than perfect often leads to building trust and authenticity. I believe God planned it this way, knowing exactly who can reach whom.

For example, consider Moses. Despite his imperfections, God knew people would respond to him. In Exodus 4:10-13 (NIV), Moses said to the Lord,

“O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”

The Lord replied, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”

Yet Moses still pleaded, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.”

Do you ever feel that way? “O Lord, please send someone else to speak.”

This feeling is not uncommon because public speaking, and speaking up in general, is a top fear for many people. We often wish to defer to someone else to share the message God has called us to share, feeling unqualified or worried that we will somehow let God down due to our perceived faults or inadequacies.

But you ARE qualified. You have a unique story, voice, and personality that represent your faith journey in a way that someone needs to hear and that only you can tell. Just as God knew Moses was the right person to deliver His message, He knows you are the right person to deliver yours. God uses your unique sphere of influence to deliver stories or messages that He knows people will respond to when they hear them from you.

Embrace Your Unique Style

We each have a personal style that connects with certain people. Embracing and leveraging your unique style is one way to make your story engaging for you and those you share it with. Sometimes we compare our style with someone else’s and feel inadequate. Yet, it’s your willingness to be real, the way God created you to be, that determines your effectiveness—not a perception of perfection.

Kara and Ray

Let me tell you about two people who could not be more different, yet I have seen the power of their differences perfectly fit the people God wanted them to reach.

KARA is a young, vibrant artist who loves the Lord. Her background in theater, combined with her ability to share stories of Jesus through song, has allowed her to connect with the next generation in a way they can receive the message of salvation. She performs concerts and plays and gives her testimony in a unique way that resonates with young people. Her style is theatrical yet perfect for the audience God has called her to reach.

RAY is a retired engineer, very quiet and unassuming (although his inventions have earned him national recognition). His heart is to make Jesus known to children from poor communities in rural Mississippi. Through a program he started to teach them robotics after school, he shares his faith story in his practical style. His approach helps these children see how relevant Jesus is to their lives and futures.

And YOU!

God has a place for your unique style, too! Your story, delivered in your style, is what someone needs to hear for the Holy Spirit to capture their heart. Embrace that with expectancy for who God will put on your path.


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