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Your Testimony is a Gift to Steward

Mary Ann Mariani
August 5, 2024


In the Christian community, we are well-acquainted with the concept of stewardship. This term often brings to mind the wise management of our finances, time, talents, and resources. However, have you ever considered the stewardship of your testimony?

Your testimony is a profound resource that God intends to use for His purposes and to bless others. When you choose not to share your story and instead keep it to yourself, you deprive others of the unique perspective of Jesus’ transforming love and grace that only you can provide.

As your journey with Jesus unfolds, view your story as a precious gift meant to be shared. Your testimony is uniquely yours, a gift from God that holds the power to touch hearts, transform lives, and glorify Him.

It's never too early or too late to steward your story!

Take Ciara, for example. At just 13, she experienced Jesus’ redeeming love and grace during a challenging season of rebellion. By choosing to share her story, Ciara offers other teens and their parents’ valuable insights and hope from her journey with Jesus. Her testimony provides a fresh perspective on what’s possible when we surrender our struggles to God.

Similarly, Richard, in his 70s, has recently become intentional about stewarding his faith story. What began as a desire to share his faith with his grandsons blossomed into an opportunity to share his testimony before his men’s group at church, even inviting his grandsons to join the event.


I invite you to consider following the examples of Ciara and Richard by becoming more intentional about sharing your story within your community.

As Paul reminds Philemon, our faith is enriched and deepened when we actively share it. It’s not just about giving; it’s about receiving a fuller understanding of every good thing we have in Christ through the act of sharing.

"I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ"

Philemon 1:6

Be sure to download The 5 Tips for an Engaging 5-Minute Testimony.


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